5 Things

Fun Facts About All Kinds of Stuff!

5 Cool Things About Pancakes

September 26th is National Pancake Day.

September 26th is National Pancake Day.


I want pancakes! I want them now! Okay, now that we have that out of the way, for those who did not know, today is National Pancake Day according to the folks over at National Calendar Day.  There is also a Pancake Day celebrated during Mardi Gras. This is fine by me cause I love pancakes. Maybe your neighborhood IHOP is having some awesome deal today. I have no intention of finding out because I am sure there will be a super long line. Besides, my pancakes taste much better. I can make them as thick as I want and there are always endless pancakes at my house. Pancakes are like grits, in my opinion–delicious anytime. They are welcome at any meal at my house! Here are some of the things I’ve learned about this awesome food.

Pure Pancake Pleasure

Pure Pancake Pleasure

  • In France, people like to make a wish before flipping their pancakes. They do this while holding a coin in the other hand. (Um, when I visualize this I get dizzy–no idea why.)
  • The Guiness World Record for the most pancakes served in eight hours is 34,818. (Seriously, this would have ended any career aspirations I ever had of being a waitress.)
  • William Shakespeare loved pancakes so much, that he often mentioned pancakes during his famous play’s.
  • Freshly fallen snow had been used as a secret ingredient in pancakes, before baking soda was invented, this gave the pancakes a soft texture.
  • The largest pancake in the world measured 15 meters in diamater, and weighed around 3 tons


There you have it. Here’s a novel idea–go home and make some delicious pancakes for dinner tonight. My kiddos “flip” over pancake night! Here’s a delish pancake recipe to get you started. And if you are game..here are 9 ways to hook up your pancakes!

I hope you have enjoyed today’s post. If so, please like my facebook page, share and subscribe!


Read more cool things about the pancakes here, and here.

Photo 1 is courtesy of Robyn Lee.

Photo 2 is courtesy of Chris Barber.

3 comments on “5 Cool Things About Pancakes

  1. David Esq.
    September 26, 2014

    Fun pancake facts. I’ve been enjoying Pioneer Pancakes, made from “super scratch” in my blender for some time. They come out really really good. Lately, I’ve been making more pancakes than green smoothies…. hmm…


    • onecoolchica
      September 26, 2014

      I enjoyed the Pioneer Pancakes recipe. I also enjoyed the Excellent Pizza recipe. I love the recipes featured at your site. I will visit often!

      Liked by 1 person

      • David Esq.
        September 26, 2014

        Oh, that is a lot of pressure. I think you will be my first repeat reader! Please add a comment or two before or after you make something, as I’d like to hear from you and also see how things turn out.


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